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Writer's picturedasha.healing.village

💛 You are Your Inner Goddess 💛

Weekly in our Divine Women's Circles we explore & connect to our Inner Goddess to heal ourselves on a soul level, to get to know our true authentic-self, to love ourselves unconditionally & to connect to our true divine nature.

Let's keep reminding ourselves, that it's not about what we are dressed in or how much make we wear or how many massages a month we treat ourselves with (but it can absolutely be about that as well).....

Living as embodied Inner Goddess reminds us that:

💛 We already are fully whole, perfect and complete within & we are just remembering "her" as we move through this precious gift called human life gently growing & evolving through layers & layers of impressions, limiting beliefs, conditioning & more that we have picked up on our journey through our lifetimes. We simply do that by going within regularly & by developing a very intimate relationship with our breath that is our direct connection to the Divine. Breath is where we start, it doesn't have to be difficult.

💛 We consciously choose to participate in our own inner healing & evolution and do not allow "the life" to just drag us through the inevitable evolution that all souls will experience whether they choose that or not. {Meaning we do not wait for big wake up life calls like disease or divorce to embark on our soul's journey...but we fully trust the Universe and all her magic and flow gently with life but also consciously and by choice.}

💛 We keep connecting daily to our true inherent divine nature understanding on a very tangible level (in our body too) that we are not just human but we are also divine & as such we owe it to ourselves to take care of ourselves on all levels daily - body, mind, heart & soul. We use simple self-acknowledgment daily to feel worthy of being human & divine too and receive all the goodness Universe is already sending our way. Pause, breathe, receive.

💛 We live, make decisions, we parent, we love, we work, we give, we receive ....we do everything on all levels in our life out of energy of LOVE & not out of energy of FEAR by checking in with our heart regularly & by having our Inner Goddess AM/PM rituals to create space for ourselves to go within daily and connect with "her" & listen to her soul guidance.

Dear Universe, I call in all magical feminine souls who are ready to embark on this journey with me so we can together become the force to be reckon with and the active ambassadors of The Divine Feminine on the Planet Earth here & now, to be pure & perfect channels & anchors of the divine love & light for the highest good of us & all.

Because when we heal, our loved heal as well, our planet heals, everyone heals!

A'ho. Amen. So It Is.

Beautiful Soul, you are very welcome to our sacred feminine intimate container

WOMEN'S CAVE RETREAT {Feb 10, 2024, 1-4PM}

to "cave away" with bunch of delicious treats for your body, mind, heart & soul to reconnect with her - your Inner Goddess & walk forward more embodied.

Please, see more info below.

Living life in Love & Magic Always

Dasha 💜💜💜

your sacred space keeper

Empowering the Divine Feminine from within

Remembering Her

"In the name of Light, may we all live our lives fully aligned with our souls, for the highest good of us & all. Amen. A'ho. So It Is."

For private inner guidance, energy & soul healing, please contact me at

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